Meeting Venue: Royal Canadian Legion. 14339 50th Street, NW Edmonton, AB.

Blessed be the father of our Lord Jesus Christ who was and is to come. He who has blessed us with all spiritual blessing in Heavenly places. It is great coming your way again this blessed day that the Lord as made and gladdens my heart to know you are ready to take in the word of truth.

Have you ever thought about the scripture which say “our God neither slumber nor sleep”. Have you ever asked why is it that God neither slumber nor sleep? Well it is basically because of you and I, not because of animals or any other creature because all other things are held by the power of his word. He cares so much for us to the extent that he has inscribed our name on the palms of his hand.

Infact, He said we the apple of His eyes. As a man jealously protects the eyes so the same way God protect the eyes. We are the apple of His eyes and He can do anything positively for us in whatever situation and circumstances we are faced with.

At times when I hear many Christians talk about themselves it comes clear to me that many really do not know who they are in Him. They forget that God is the same yesterday today and forevermore, hence whatever He did for them of old, He can still do better today under the same circumstance and event because we are now under a better covenant- the new testament.

Just like when the children of Israel leaving Egypt, (the land of Bondage) and being pursued by their Egyptian task master got to the Red sea and there was no other way of escape for them. A huge number not having any boat to convey them across the sea since it not prepared for neither was there a plane to take them over the waters.

It literarily seems it was the end of the road for them all; little did they know that when God is in a journey of life, there can not be anything like being stranded. They thought they were stranded however God made a way for them where it seems to be no way. God made a highway in the midst of the sea.

The only option which humanly seems impossible is for the red sea to part, then God moved to do impossible. He parted the Red sea because He can not afford to see his people get stranded in life. Many times we come across situations that seems as though we are stranded please always have it at the back of your mind that you can never be stranded no matter the situation you will always come out; for he will always make a way of escape in every situation in life.

Please recall again the story of the marriage at Cannan, the celebrate and people at the occasion ran out of the wine, this was almost going to mare the celebration. The good news was that Jesus was present at the marriage ceremony. A situation of shame was about to occur. How many bottles or drums of wine could they have ordered for? What would have been the amount to be incurred for purchase? All these and various questions are waiting for answer, however the final answer came that resolved the whole issue, Jesus turned water fetched into vessels into wine which was sufficient for all to drink and of better quality than the one previously served.

Dearly beloved, please note that you can not be stranded in life. All you need to do is to open up to the Rock of our salvation and let him in and turn every negative situation around for good.

What about Lazarus,the whole family thought it was over for him, it was as though he was stranded in the hand of sickness which later led to his death, but the story change as soon as Jesus came on board. The situation changed immediately. The man who seems stranded in the hand of sick before he was finally delivered to death came back alive. I declare upon your life as you read this message that you shall never be stranded in life. God will not permit it.

He has promised never to leave you nor forsake you. You can not be stranded in life. It is not just possible. All you need to do is to ensure Jesus is on board; make sure that at all times his abiding presence does not leave you. His presence in your life makes you victorious at all times. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever; His nature to always make a way is constant. He can not deny Himself. Please as you stop reading now, take out time to pray tell Him about everything that borders you. You cannot be stranded.
