Meeting Venue: Royal Canadian Legion. 14339 50th Street, NW Edmonton, AB.

Readers are leaders while leaders are readers. No great leader in the history of mankind is not found to be a reader. To excel in every field of life above what it used to be then we must be readers. To have a sharp mind, then you must give in to reading. The bible says iron sharpens iron so shall a man sharpen the countenance of his friend.

In the things of the kingdom, there is also a vital place that reading occupies. You cannot be who God desires you to be if you are not a reader. To read is very vital to growth in life. A man of wisdom is strong while of man of knowledge increases in strength. This is to say your strength in life is directly proportional to the volume of knowledge you acquire. Just as you cannot be stronger than the proportion of knowledge acquired so your depth in life is directly proportionally to the knowledge you have acquired.

Beloved, the bible does not only instruct us to read but to go a further step which is to study. Study is a deeper dimension to reading. God does not only encourage us to read alone but also to study. Study takes more effort and is deeper in approach. We read the newspaper with a light mind because we probably will not be examined on what is being read but God wants us not only to read the scriptures but to study it because we surely will be examined on whatever is being read. God examination needs no centre number or candidate number. His examination takes place where we least expect.

At times while driving, cooking or talking to a junior colleague who probably cannot respond back when we speak to him. We certainly will be tested on whatever we study in the bible hence we are not only meant to read the bible but to study it.

II Tim 2:15 reads, “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God. A worker who does not need to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth”.

The truth of the word is not easily found on the surface but they are hidden in the inner most part of the Word
hence it is our responsibility to search them out.

Friends, please note that there are some levels of walk with God that we can not get into until we have studied God’s word.

Dan 9:2 reads…”I Daniel understood by books the number of years, whereof the word of the Lord to Jeremiah the prophet……..”

Daniel may never have understood if not for study. He took time to study the writing of Prophet Jeremiah and from
that he was able to understand the time and the season. Many of us Christian have entered into our season but never had understanding because we refused to study. For us to excel beloved of God, then we must study for approval. We cannot afford to be tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine we must study. A lot of time I hear some Christian pray for minutes, running to hours and of it all I realize it just a mere exercise because many of the prayer points
are not necessary, because there is provision for their request in the scriptures all they need to do is act upon the promise, as highlighted in the scripture, but quite unfortunately we still flex our muscle praying for such. Josh.1:8 reads, This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do accordingly to all that is written therein; for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous
and then thou shalt have good success.

For your ways to be made prosperous and good success be your portion, then you should meditate on the book of the law day and night. We must study it, meditate upon it and store it up in our system.

We must be able to recite it when it is needed. Just like Jesus defeated the devil when he came to tempt Him with the Word stored up in Him so also we must have the Word stored up in us. It is not only the Pastors and the Bishops that must have the Word within them we all must have the Word stored up within us, because the devil does not discriminate when he come with his antics. We all need the Word. “Thy Word have I hid in my heart that I may not sin against thee”. There is always the need to study the Word and have it stored within us to be victorious in
life. Moses, though, had to be retrained was not just a man without study

Act 7:22 read “So Moses was educated in all the wisdom and culture of Egyptians and he was mighty (powerful) in his speech and deeds.

(Amplified Version) Beloved there is no short route to this, we need to study for approval or else we shall wrongly divide the word of truth. Study, Study and Study. Shalom!