Meeting Venue: Royal Canadian Legion. 14339 50th Street, NW Edmonton, AB.

What to do before saying I do (2)

What to do before saying I do (2)


Saturday from 09:00 am

Royal Canadian Legion. 14339, 50th Street Edmonton. T5A 0S9

August 2024 Breakfast Meeting

The September 2024 edition of the Breakfast Meeting held on the 7th of September, 2024 with the theme.

Handling Financial Differences in Marriage.

We Have Moved!

We would like to use this medium to inform everyone that the venue for the Dominion Voice Christian Outreach Breakfast Meeting has changed.

We are now at The Royal Canadian Legion. 14339 50th Street, NW Edmonton, AB.

We look forward to having you around.

Dominion Messages

Every man is a reflection of the words he speaks. Every word spoken is a reflection of the mind. A man is
Halelluyah to God forevermore! We commence the teaching on the above topic last week and today we shall continue and conclude. Please
How much is it? Asked a prospective buyer. The amount was mentioned and a great surprise that such a small
Life is in phases and men are in sizes, the beauty of life is when you know your phase and appreciate
Centuries ago in Texas, Two friends discovered a large deposit gold secretly hidden in a portion of land. They sold
Blessed be God forevermore. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He does not change but He changes situations and circumstances.