Eccl 3:1: To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under, the heaven. Welcome. We shall continue on the above topic we commenced last week. Today we shall continue on what steals our time in other words our life without us noticing. Please if you did not read last week’s edition, ensure you get it and read […]
Last week we commenced the teaching on the above refereed topic. Today, we shall go further and conclude by the grace of God. We however highlighted on the story of Joseph of how the enemy through his own brothers who ought to help him fulfil his dream, on the contrary made effort to destroy the […]
Our God is an orderly God, who does all things decently. He holds all things by the power of His word. He does not do things without a purpose and when He does things he does them at the right time and in good proportion. During creation, He did not create man before creating all […]
Centuries ago in Texas, Two friends discovered a large deposit gold secretly hidden in a portion of land. They sold all their possessions and bought the land, hired equipment in readiness to explore and exploit the gold. As they dug, they found the gold veil, which further assisted them in their digging to locate the […]
Summed up courage; got all the resources he could get and built a foot bridge across the river. With this single action everybody both old and young, rich and poor had access to free movement between the two villages. Years after the man left the village, the people in these two villages never forgot him. […]
Last week we commenced this teaching on the referred topic and by His grace we shall continue today. As highlighted earlier, you are in the best position to change your situation and fortune, your are the best candidate to do it yourself. Just like no one can go through the labour pain for a woman […]
Welcome to the concluding part of this teaching we commenced a week ago on spiritual authority. I pray that at the end of this teaching, we as believers will have sufficient knowledge via understanding to know what authority has been vested upon us which will eventually allow us access to our right and privileges as a child of God. To have […]
Life is too short to be endured, it is meant to be enjoyed. God’s desire for all His children is to be in His presence at all times and also to enjoy the fullness of His blessings in whatever thing we do. However, being in the perfect will of God is what brings about the […]
I have heard many people from time to time say it is not manly to shed tears. Some even see it as a taboo to express their deep feeling through tears. Water droppings from the eyes known as tears may come as a result of different feelings and dispositions. Some shed tears in moment of joy while some in moment […]
Authority is power vested upon a person or institution by a higher power to do what the later will do without reduction in impact. A person or institution vested with authority is as potent and powerful as the person or institution who vested him with such power as long as it within the ambit of the law. A […]
It gives me great pleasure to expand God’s word to us again. I am sorry I will not continue today on the topic we commenced last week – “Spiritual authority” because of the Easter celebration we shall however continue on it next week. Today, we shall be considering the above topic. Beloved, please note that without the death and resurrection of Jesus […]
A slang said by people says “When the going gets tough, the tough gets going”. Yes, it could be true that it is only the tough that gets going when the going gets tough; however being among the rank and file of the tough takes a lot. The stuff every one is made up of determines whether you will break […]
It is a normal slang said by people “When the going gets tough, the tough gets going”. Yes, it could be true that it is only the tough that can get going when the going gets tough; however being among the rank and file of the tough takes a lot. The stuff every one is made up of determine […]
Beloved today’s teaching is not just a teaching to encourage or enlighten our eyes of understanding but a call to duty. There is a task you will have to perform as you conclude the reading. Please ensure you carry out the duty immediately because I am sure God is about to lunch you into another phase of your life. There […]
Glory be to God forever more, for He is the same yesterday, today and forevermore. He is our Lord, Him only shall we worship and serve. It gladdens my heart once again to come your path and share God’s prophetic word with you today. Today’s message is a word for someone who perhaps may be you, for the scripture says He […]
It’s great to have you around again today. How was the week? Hope all is well. Always remember, that whatever happens God is in full control. He has promised never to leave you nor forsake you. He is always there for you. We commenced a teaching last week on the above topic and we shall proceed further today. Last week […]
We live in a world that is dynamic and fast changing. A world when the day is loaded with so much activities and duties that cannot be exhausted within its hours. Given 28 hours per day one is almost sure that the numbers of additional hours not withstanding may not still be sufficient to discharge these various duties. Each day however […]
Our God is great, rich and very successful; infact He owns the cattles on ten thousand hills. He owns the earth and everything in it. He said, Silver is mine and Gold is mine. He said further that if He was hungry he would not consult anyone of us. The earth is the Lord’s and […]
An axe is an instrument used in cutting wood or hard surface object into smaller pieces suitable for use. Axe in the ancient days were used also as weapon of war in fighting the enemy. It can either be used for destructive or constructive purpose depending on use at hand. The effectiveness of every axe is dependent on the material for […]
Prayer makes life easy while faith makes things work. A life without prayers is a life that is full of struggles and yet little or nothing to show for. Many times we forget and neglect the great power that is within our disposal but not tapped basically because we refuse to tap into it by […]
Heb 11:1; Now, faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Heb. 11.6 reads without faith it is impossible to please God, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. For by faith great men of old received a […]
Life is in phases and men are in sizes, the beauty of life is when you know your phase and appreciate your size, then life is well appreciated in it’s fullness. When the phase, which we are, is noted and appreciated then the desire to reach the next phase becomes a pleasure. This makes life interesting and full of […]
Positioning in life determines a great deal to the height every man will eventually get to in life. Your position determines your connection, while your connection determines what you ultimately collect in life. Your connection determines your contacts and a man is as rich as his contact. A child of a wealthy man, for instance know that by virtue of his […]
Great week it is. The Lord is good all the time, and He makes all things beautiful in His time. My bible tells me that all things work together for good for they that love the Lord and are called according to His purpose. All things are created to function and work together for our good as believers. Yes, […]
Beloved today’s teaching is not just a teaching to encourage or enlighten your eyes of understanding but a call to duty. There is a duty or task you will have to perform as you conclude the reading. Please ensure you carry out the duty at once because I am sure God is about to lunch you into another phase […]
Welcome to God’s presence as we continue on the above referred subject, which we commenced last week. Please note that it is not enough to read this message without applying it to your life, for it is the truth you know and practice that eventually sets you free. It is not enough to know a truth without practice. It is […]
Apart from the fact that prayers brings us close to God and takes us away from sin, the beauty of prayer is when we have answers to the request being put forward to the Most High God. The more your prayers are answered the more you will love to pray so the more the confidence you have toward God. Prayers […]
Positioning in life determines a great deal to the height every man will eventually get to in life. Your position determines your connection, while your connection determines what you ultimately collect in life. Your connection determines your contacts and a man is as rich as his contact. A child of a wealthy man, for instance know that by virtue of his […]
Did I hear you say that it is all over? Does your mind tell you that there is no way out of the present situation? Just like I hear a lot of people say, nothing good can come of this present situation, but I have a word for you today which is there is hope in that situation that looks […]
Dearly beloved, its great being with you today. Hope all is well. We shall be considering the above topic “Trust in the Lord”. The whole world as it is seems to be going through a dark era with earthquakes, bird flu infections, starvation, terrorist attacks, plane crashes to mention but a few. All these mishaps coupled with consistent wars and war […]
What a wonderful day when Jesus paid the price fully. If the devil knew what the outcome of its action would be, he would not have acted the way he did through the scribes and the leaders of law. The story however started at the Garden of Eden when man fell as a result of Eve being deceived by the […]
Blessed be God forevermore. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He does not change but He changes situations and circumstances. Last week we commenced teaching on the above topic and discussed on the position of God as it relates to sexual sin. We established that God take no delight in anyone who defiles himself for whatever reason. He (God) […]
God’s love towards us is unfailing and unconditional; unfailing because He is love. He has no other nature than the nature of love, God is Love. He cannot deny himself, He cannot change Himself. He is love personified. Further still, His Love is unconditional; it does not depend on what you do or what you do not do. He loves you […]
Welcome to the concluding part of this teaching we started off last week. I hope that you have started the process that leads you to being blessed above all your ignorant peers. We reviewed the example of Isaac as he sowed in the land in the time of famine and he reaped a hundred fold returns in the same year. […]
The world we live in today is a world of instant result. A very fast and dynamic world wherein no one is willing to wait for anyone who seems not fast enough to grasp the issues of life that comes up from time to time. Everyone wants instant result. Either now or never is the […]
I congratulate you, beloved for being alive today to witness another Independence Day celebration of this great country Nigeria, the largest single black nation in the world. A country with such population as to account for every one individual out of four in the whole of Africa. Within the mind of most citizen of the […]
Blessed be God forevermore. It is great knowing you are out there once again ready to feed of God’s word which is able to save the soul of anyone who yields to Him. Last week, we commenced the teaching on the above topic “BE EMPOWERED” and we looked at the example of Elijah who had to be empowered by God […]
Challenges and difficult times are bound to come because they are part of Gods package to strengthen us and at times draw us closer to him. Trails of faith and temptations are also part of the package of our walk to the fulfillment of destiny or to the promised land as they play their part […]
Time is an important element in human life. In the business world, it is said that time is money while in the Christendom time is said to be life. Every employer of labour pays for the time of his employee that is to say there is an exchange of time for money, which invariably means that a portion of ones […]
The original design of God for all His children is to have dominion and so it was from the beginning. When God created Adam and Eve, He gave them absolute dominion over everything He created. Dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air and even over everything that creeps upon the surface of the earth. Nothing was […]
It is often times said, when the going gets tough, the tough gets going; others say when the going gets tough, the tough gets tougher. These are words used by people to encourage themselves in times of trials, temptation and challenges which seem not to give way when everything possible seems to have been done. We need to, […]
2 Tim 1:13-14, Hold fast the pattern of sound words which you have heard from me, in faith and love which are in Christ Jesus. That good thing which was committed to you, keep by the Holy Spirit who dwells in us. This is one of the writings of Paul the Apostle to Timothy encouraging him to holdfast the pattern of […]
Blessed be God forevermore. Its great coming your way again today to share God’s living word. I believe this new week shall be outstanding in your life in Jesus precious name. We commenced teaching on the above referral topic – “Conquer Yourself” last week and by His grace we shall conclude today. We highlighted on three different characters or individuals who […]
Discipleship is a call to be with, know and enjoy the Master. This certainly is preceded by salvation. It is a personal commitment to Jesus to follow through with Him. A disciple is a disciplined follower of a course. At the early stage of the ministry of Jesus, He called certain men to be with […]
Many are the desires within a man’s heart. Just like the waters cover the sea so are the many desires of man. Economic scholars made it clear to us that the wants of man are insatiable. Have you ever thought of it that a man may own half of the world yet not satisfied until he owns the whole world; […]
Knowledge is the accumulation of facts, while wisdom is the accurate application of knowledge. Who is a wise man? Jesus said, a wise man is he who ears this sayings of mine and does them, he shall be likened to a man who builds his house on the rock, when the wind and storm came, the house stood because it […]
A young man was put before a judge for murder as there were enough evidences against him for the offence. It was quite obvious he was guilty of the offence. The man was to be sentenced either to life imprisonment or death by hanging when Mercy came into the court premise and requested that the man be set free. The Judge […]
Whatever introduces disorderliness into your life reduces your productivity. Show me an organized life and you have shown me a productive life. Since our Father in heaven is a great investor always desiring to have a maximum yield on all His investment, then our focus as His children must be to have maximum returns in whatever we do. He sent His […]
Readers are leaders while leaders are readers. No great leader in the history of mankind is not found to be a reader. To excel in every field of life above what it used to be then we must be readers. To have a sharp mind, then you must give in to reading. The bible says iron sharpens iron so shall […]
Crisis can be defined as a turning point; a difficulties or danger. Though we are in the world however we are not of the world. As long as we are in the world, then crisis is bound to come our way whether we are believers or not; this is because crisis is packaged within the world we live in. God being […]
Halelluyah to God forevermore! We commence the teaching on the above topic last week and today we shall continue and conclude. Please if you have not read the last week’s edition, endeavour to get it and read. That is when we can actually get the full benefit of the teaching. We commenced then with Psalm 103:1-2 where David urged His soul […]
Glory to God forevermore. Its great coming your way again this pleasant Sunday. In the last edition, we commenced teaching on the above topic; we considered treating any and every issues in life by the two fold treatment. We highlighted the need for every believer to solve every challenge in life by giving it the two-fold treatment. We further considered the […]
About two decades ago, one of the vessels God used to encourage us and bring us up in the faith narrated his experience as a Youth Corper in one of the Nigerian States which I would not like to mention in this forum. He recalled that one of the days at about 5 am; he had to board a taxi […]
Num 13:32 “And they brought an evil report of the land which they had searched unto the children of Israel, saying, The Land, through which we have gone to search it, is a land that eateth up the inhabitants thereof; and all the people that we saw in it are men of a great stature. We shall conclude the teaching […]
Num 13: 32 “And they brought up an evil report of the land which they had searched unto the children of Israel. Saying, the land, through which we have gone to search, it is a land that eateth up the inhabitants thereof; and all the people that we saw in it are men of a great stature. Its wonderful coming […]
Even the youths shall faint, and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall. But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:30-31. Today we shall be reviewing the above topic in the context […]
To Him who gives seed to the sower and bread to the eater we come unto today. Hallelujah to the Most High who was and is and is to come. I am that I am is His name. I welcome you to another edition of Dominion Voice. It gives me great joy to know you are there to feed at […]
How much is it? Asked a prospective buyer. The amount was mentioned and a great surprise that such a small precious stone could worth so much. The prospective buyer nodes and prices a little lower than the proposed price and immediately the deal was consummated. What a surprise that a stone that is small could […]
Col 2:14 reads; having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them triumphing over them in it. Life is full of challenges, hurdles, problems to solve and troubles to overcome. Above all life is war. I have heard many people say life is not a bed of roses. This may be partly right as the graph of […]
Our God is a master processor who is more interested in the finished product. He is the potter and we are the clay. Just as an earthly potter pays little attention to the clay but devotes his attention to what the final product will be so is our God. He (God) processes issues, events and most of all the man He […]
Eccl 3:1: To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under, the heaven. Welcome. We shall continue on the above topic we commenced last week. Today we shall continue on what steals our time in other words our life without us noticing. Please if you did not read last week’s edition, ensure you get it and read […]
Blessed be the father of our Lord Jesus Christ who was and is to come. He who has blessed us with all spiritual blessing in Heavenly places. It is great coming your way again this blessed day that the Lord as made and gladdens my heart to know you are ready to take in the word of truth. Have you […]
Eccle 3:1: To every thing there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven; Time is an important element in every one’s life. In the business world, time is said to be money, this is because every moment, seconds, minutes or hour counts which ultimately translates to money. Every one in a paid employment exchanges his […]
Sow a thought and reap an action, sow an action and reap a habit, sow a habit and reap life style, sow a life style and reap a destiny. Every action springs forth from a thought. The thought of every man matters a great deal, in fact a man is a product of his thought because every action and reaction […]
I will make you a great nation. I will bless you and make your name great and you shall be a blessing, I will bless those who bless you and I will curse him who curses you, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed. Gen.12: 2-3 To God be the glory forever more. Quite […]
Joshua 6: 27; So the Lord was with Joshua and he was famous through all the world. Blessed be God the Father of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Its great coming your way today. I pray the Lord in His infinite mercy will bless and prosper all that you lay your hands upon in Jesus Christ name. Today we […]
Every man is a reflection of the words he speaks. Every word spoken is a reflection of the mind. A man is worth what he produces. The words of every man is a reflection of what he is worth. Words are powerful, creative, destructive, and can grow. The world was created by God and through his words, so also we create […]
A young lady approached me in Alberta Canada after an afternoon meeting to ask a question that stemmed out from a teaching I had taken earlier. She was confused and of the option that it was becoming increasing difficult for her to make ends meet, hence making saving impossible. These seem to be a universal […]
Man is not created in isolation but to live with each other to get comfort, warmth, and encouragement. Every great visionary who have accomplished their goals in life knows that it is absolutely impossible to achieve such great and burning vision without human help. They surely know what to do and how to go about […]
Here in this article, I will like to expose you to the three things you need to do to become a person of excellence. (I) Think like God. Everything that God does is excellent. Even the amoeba as shapeless as it is, is excellent. When you look at the lion in its magnificence, fishes in the […]
Excellence is sacrificial, it takes effort, it’s a commitment and when you cannot commit yourself to it, you become a mediocre, a second hand. It should be a habit, a habit is something you do often, a part of you, something you are known for, something you are identified with – that’s how excellent should […]
Becoming excellent is a gradual result of always striving to be the better you, making conscious effort to improve yourself. A lot of people talk of discrimination of all sought and forget the fact that excellence over powers all discriminations. Excellence is the only antidote to any form of discrimination or racism because nobody doubts […]
Beloved, the God we serve is a God of excellence; he is a God of absolute excellence, everything he created is excellent. When you look into the scriptures in the book of Genesis 1:10, the bible says “And God called the dry land earth, and the gathering together of waters he called seas, and God saw […]
Beloved, the God we serve is a God of excellence; he is a God of absolute excellence, everything he created is excellent. When you look into the scriptures in the book of Genesis 1:10, the bible says “And God called the dry land earth, and the gathering together of waters he called seas, and God […]