Meeting Venue: Royal Canadian Legion. 14339 50th Street, NW Edmonton, AB.

Blessed be God forevermore. It is great knowing you are out there once again ready to feed of God’s word which is able to save the soul of anyone who yields to Him. Last week, we commenced the teaching on the above topic “BE EMPOWERED” and we looked at the example of Elijah who had to be empowered by God when he ran out of strength in the face of a major threat from the woman called Jezebel. This story beloved is not a fable but a reality even in our present days, where we face challenges, tasks and trials. Elijah was administered to and fed by an angel, he was told to take and eat for the journey is long. After eating he went in the strength of the food for forty days
forty nights. If Elijah the prophet of God needed to be strengthened and empowered then you and I need to be empowered the more.

To be empowered, there is need for us all to be filled with the Holy Spirit of God. For you shall receive power when the Holy sprit has come upon you. Act 1:8. The coming of the Holy Spirit empowers you against all the wiles of the devil at every point in time. When you are filled with the Holy Spirit you become a major threat to the kingdom of the devil and you simply become untouchable, unreachable and above all the plans of the evil one. To be filled with the Holy Spirit you must be baptized in Him with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. Not only that you must
pray more in the Spirit Jude 20 reads, But you, beloved, building yourself up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit. When you pray in the Holy Ghost you become red hot, charged ready to discharge the power and the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

You become very charged in the Spirit and nothing can hold you back in any way. The question is, how often and how long do you pray in the Spirit? When you pray in the Spirit you become really empowered.

Furthermore, for the length of journey ahead of us all, to be empowered, there is need to be filled with the revelational word of God. The word of God must not be of the letter alone in our heart and spirit, for the letter kills and the Spirit gives life. Logo of the word without the Spirit is unprofitable but when the Spirit comes on the word then it becomes rhema. It is when we read, study and meditate upon God’s word that it becomes quick and active in our spirit man.

Heb 4: 12 reads “For the word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of Soul and Spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thought and the intents of the heart.

When the Spirit of Lord breathes upon the word of God in our heart, it produces power for our day-to-day living.

Beloved, you and I need to be empowered by the living word. The word of God must be in our heart, living and active. For every situation and challenges we are confronted with can only be solved and brought low by the living word of God. Do you need power over sin, then keep the word in the midst of your heart – For the word will keep you away from sin. David said, thy word have I hidden in my heart that I may not sin against you. The word in your heart empowers you against the wiles of devil. Remember, the prophesy concerning Jesus which says, “His name shall be called Jesus for He shall save the people from their sin.” John 1 reads that the Word became flesh and dwelt
amongst us. The more of the word you have in your life the more Jesus that lives on the inside of you.

Finally, to be empowered from above you must at all times be yielded to the leading of the Holy Spirit. God will only empower yielded vessels that are ready to respond to His instructions. Friends, we cannot be living a life of rebellion and expect God to empower us. It is not just possible. Yielded vessels are vessels that are fit for the master’s use. We all  cannot be living a life of disobedient and expect God to bless us with His power.

What has God instructed us to do in His word? Mary he mother of Jesus told the people at the marriage she attended with Jesus, She said, whatever He tells you to do, do it. They did what the word (Jesus) told them to do and great was the result; the water was turn to wine. This week as you yield to the leading of His words, your water will turn to wine. Be empowered. Shalom!