Meeting Venue: Royal Canadian Legion. 14339 50th Street, NW Edmonton, AB.

I congratulate you, beloved for being alive today to witness another Independence Day celebration of this great country Nigeria, the largest single black nation in the world. A country with such population as to account for every one individual out of four in the whole of Africa. Within the mind of most citizen of the country, questions such as what exactly is it to rejoice about these forty five years, when prices of goods and services are on the increase due to the ripple effect of the hike in fuel prices, injustice in the high places, looting of government treasure in the highest levels, to mention but a few.

Notwithstanding, the scripture says in all things we should give thanks. The bible does not say for all things, but in all things we should give thanks. We cannot give thanks for the looting or the hardship, which people are going through but in the midst of it all, God says we should give thanks, because all these things shall work together for our good. All things may not be good, but surely all things shall work together for our good. The revelation we see and hear today about the nation is an indication that God is still with us and He is answering our prayers. Beloved, it is time to further lift up our voices to God and pray to Him because he has promised to neither leave us nor forsake us. He is our present help in time of trouble. As Nigeria and Nigerians celebrate independence, we all should consider God in all our doings and be steadfast in our walk with Him. Prices of goods and services may be on the increase but as for you a child of God, always remember that there is a provision for you in Zion. Our God is still in the business of blessing and lifting His people, for the scriptures says that where sin abounds Grace abounds much more. God desires his children to always have surplus in life irrespective of the economic situation. Economically having surplus can be achieved in two different ways, the first is to reduce your spending or you increase your inflow. As the case is presently, to reduce the spending seems like an uphill task because to a great extent this is determined by macro- economic indicators of which you are not in control of, as such the prices of goods and services cannot be determined by you.

However, you can determine the other side of the coin, by having increased revenue generation to meet and surpass the ever-increasing cost of living. My desire for you is to have a large heart, a faith to receive more from the Lord because in His treasure house He has more than enough for us all. Infact, all that we shall need in life from the womb of our mother to the tomb if Jesus tarries His coming is provided for. So why don’t you determine your position from the place of surplus.

As we celebrate independence, please begin to think of how you can be financially independence, spiritually independence of any human being be ye Apostle, Pastor, Prophet etc and be fully dependent on the Most High God for guidance and instruction. Friends, you have to trust God for financial independence in times like this. Help must come for you from above. Ideas must come to you. Please open up your spirit man and let Godly ideas flow into you. Do not forget to pay your tithe to God and let Him open the windows of Heaven to you and pour you out such a blessing that you would not have enough room to contain. These blessings will come when we do our part as children of God by obeying the simple instruction to us paying our tithe.

Independence in its entire sphere can only be achieved with Jesus and Jesus alone. For in this world, we shall meet many tribulation and trouble but Jesus said be of good cheer for He has overcome the world. The world and its system is horrible. The world system has nothing good to offer you, for it is a system programmed to bring every child of God down. As we celebrate this independence, I want us all to review our position even with the Nation in view. Are we doing what is right or are we on the other side? Do we obey the laid down rules and regulations. Do we obey traffic rules? What kind of message are we passing to the next generation? Are we indeed good citizens of Nigeria? Are we willing to stand for the truth even when it is unpopular? Are we proud to declare righteousness in High places? Remember, Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people. Let us all exalt righteousness for that is the only way forward to giving our future generation a hope and a life worth living let us do it right at all times and I believe it shall be well with us all in Jesus name. The future is sure and certain as we walk uprightly. Shalom!