Meeting Venue: Royal Canadian Legion. 14339 50th Street, NW Edmonton, AB.

Did I hear you say that it is all over? Does your mind tell you that there is no way out of the present situation? Just like I hear a lot of people say, nothing good can come of this present situation, but I have a word for you today which is there is hope in that situation that looks or seems hopeless.

There is a way out of the present situation; there is a way forward in the midst of that which seems blocked. Humanly speaking beloved, I know that the whole situation may seems hopeless but I tell you it is the lie of the devil. There is hope for you.

Always note that when the situation seems unbearable, it is a major signal that there is solution at the corner. For the darkest hour of the night is towards the breaking of the day. The reason why the devil is making it seems to you that the situation is unbearable is because he has played all its tricks and there is nothing more to play. Soon after he will
begin to replay the same cards he has played before however in a different manner. Hence you attitude is extremely needed if at all you will come out victorious. Your attitude determines your altitude in life. Friends, stop reading and say to yourself there is still hope for me. Say it yet again. Yes believe it because that is the word of the Lord for you today. Mary and Martha wept because their beloved brother Lazarus died. When Jesus came on the scene, they said
if you had being around our brother who is your friend would not have died but He told them not to cry  gain because He the giver of hope is with them. At the end, the hopeless situation became hopeful; Lazarus who was four days dead and buried came alive again because the giver of hope showed up in the situation. With men it may be impossible but not with God for with God all things are possible. Please note further that we move to the realm of God when we believe Him because all things are possible to them that believe.

I still maintain and say again to you, there is still hope for you. That situation is not a hopeless situation, it may seem as though it’s hopeless but it’s not. Sarah trusted and waited on God for the fruit of the womb for so long. At a stage she thought the situation was hopeless, hence she called on her maid – Hagar to sleep with her husband due to the love she had for her husband she could not stand the reality of seeing her husband dieing without a child, because he was already becoming of age. God’s decision was that it’s not yet a hopeless situation. Not quite long after the whole event, she took in; she later regretted her action for giving her maid to her husband.

Anytime, you believe the situation is hopeless you make mistakes that you will live to regret. However Abraham on the other hand was hopeful, the scripture says in Romans 4:18, Abraham who contrary to hope, in hope believe so that he became the father of many nations. A man without a child because he hoped and believed God became a father of many nations.

Friends your situation is surely not a hopeless one. Do you desire a marriage partner? No matter your age, there is hope for you. Do you desire the fruit of the womb, no matter your age; there is still hope for you. At least Sarah was a woman of like nature like ours yet she gave birth at the age of ninety. Do you desire to build a house, even at old age, the scripture says you shall bear fruit. You will build, for there is hope for you. Do you need a job, please don’t give up to the lie of the devil you will not only get a job but you will surely become an employer of labour. No matter what the economic situation or decay in moral standard of the nations, one thing is sure, there is still hope for the future.

One thing you need do, release yourself to the Lord and spread out your wings of faith, there is a great tomorrow awaiting you. There is a great future ahead of you. There is always a way out, just relax and listen to the Lord. There is still hope. Shalom