Meeting Venue: Royal Canadian Legion. 14339 50th Street, NW Edmonton, AB.

Summed up courage; got all the resources he could get and built a foot bridge across the river. With this single action everybody both old and young, rich and poor had access to free movement between the two villages. Years after the man left the village, the people in these two villages never forgot him. They all were grateful to God for his life.

Friends, God’s desire for us is to live a life of impact, not only impact but maximum impact. It should be a taboo to us as Children of God to pass through a path in life without people knowing that someone has passed through before now. We must leave this world better than you met it. Christianity is not about living a meaningless, quite and unnoticed life without people feeling the impact, no, no, that is not Christianity. Christianity is all about living a life of maximum impact. Wherever you find yourself people must be aware that you are there by the positive contribution made to their lives.

You must not only be seen when it is time to condemn people for their wrongdoing. You must be noticed for your positive contribution to the lives and welfare of the people around you before any other thing.

3John 2 reads, beloved, I will pray that you may prosper in all things, and be in good health, just as your soul prospers. You must prosper and cause other people to prosper. Can you teach, preach, write or have any special skills, then give it out. Are you good in some academic areas that others find difficult in understanding? Please beloved, teach them. Make it impactful. Are you good in playing the instruments, then play it to glorify God, and further pass the knowledge down to others. You cannot afford to live a life of no impact, generation yet unborn will not forgive you if you carry all those gift and resources into the grave. Go ahead and put your pen to paper, begin to write. Years after you have far gone, your writings will still speak on.

Do you know that the better part of the New Testament called the epistles we read and study today is a writing of a man under the influence of the Holy Spirit? The writing of Paul to the Christians. Though now he is dead physically, years and years after his exit from this world, he still speaks with maximum impact on this generation. He gave it all, freely. Though dead yet speaks. What about Elijah? By his action of standing for the Lord in a corrupt and perverse generation when the name of the Almighty God was almost relegated to the background by the agent of darkness. Elijah stood his ground for the Lord. He said let the God that answers by fire be God indeed.

At the end of it all, he was able to make maximum impact; the children of Israel were brought back to the only and true God while the prophets of baal were executed. In one single day, a whole nation was won to the Lord. What an impactful evangelistic programme. We cannot forget him.

Please don’t live like Methushael, the man that lived oldest on earth (969 years) and that was the only thing that was credited to his name. Jesus lived for only thirty-three and a half years and yet; today He is the reason for our living. The life of Jesus on earth was full of impact. His ministry was only for three and half years, yet the world of darkness is yet and cannot recover from the effect of His ministry. What is in your hand now? That responsibility or duty committed into your hand what are you doing about it. That office you occupy, what impact have you made in it. Are you leaving it the same way you met it? That will be a crime if you leave it the same way you met it. Friends, go for maximum impact in all that you do. Shalom