Meeting Venue: Royal Canadian Legion. 14339 50th Street, NW Edmonton, AB.

Last week we commenced the teaching on the above refereed topic. Today, we shall go further and conclude by the grace of God. We however highlighted on the story of Joseph of how the enemy through his own brothers who ought to help him fulfil his dream, on the contrary made effort to destroy the great dream he had. He was sold into the land of slavery from where he proceeded further into prison. This humanly speaking, I find directly opposite to the fulfillment of a great dream. Instead of going up there is a downward movement. The enemy did all these within a space of thirteen years as Joseph was sold into slavery at the age of seventeen years and he came out of prison to stand before Pharaoh to interpret his dream at the age of thirty.

For thirteen years, the devil work hard to see that the dream he (Joseph) had never saw the light of the day. It did not need to take God thirteen years to reverse all that the devil did, it took God one single day. In one single day, Joseph was released from prison, on the same day ceased to be a slave, furthermore on that same day, he was exalted to an enviable position of bring the second in command to Pharaoh the King of Egypt. What took thirteen years of accomplishment of the devil took our God less than a day to reverse by my God

Beloved, I prophesy to you today, whatever the devil has done in your life over the years I decree by the Anointing of the Holy Spirit, this week it shall be reversed in Jesus name. I reverse death out of that dying business. This week that job you have long waited for shall be yours in Jesus name

On that decision you are about to take and you don’t know what to do, I command the release of light to flood your mind and give you direction in Jesus name. You will not miss. This week as you go you will meet with favour. Where men have rejected you, as you go back there, you will be celebrated in Jesus name. Joseph did not give in and he accomplished his dream of greatness. You will get there in Jesus name. On the other hand another chosen vessel of God called Samson had the other side of the story of Joseph. He gave in to the lies and deception of the devil and he lost out totally. By he anointing, he was exalted to the office of a Judge. He judged the Children of Israel for twenty years in the days of the Philistines. – Judges 15:20. He however could not manage success. He was put under the same pressure of women as Joseph but he crashed. He unveiled the secret of his strength. He had power but lacked character. Character is what a man is in the dark when nobody sees. Who are you beloved Pastor, Evangelist, Teacher, Prophet, Apostle or worker in Church when no one is there? The likes of Joseph or Samson? Yes, people get blessed, healed, and saved in our outreaches and programs but who are we in the dark? Remember the devil has no new tricks, the same temptation he gave Joseph, he gave Samson, the same he gave David when he saw Bershaba while taking her bath. BEWARE! Please don’t give in as Samson did. You are close to the miracle spot.

There are things you must do. Firstly, be more patient. Jam 1:4 reads, but let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. Please be patient. Don’t compromise at this point, don’t yield to that ungodly advice, and don’t loose your pride as a woman by sleeping with that man. Remember Esau, he sold his birthright for a morsel of portage and he regretted it, he lost the covenant, I assure you again you are close, more than you think you are

Secondly, pray more in the Holy Ghost, pray in the spirit, pray more in other tougues. As you pray in tongue, it is not you that prays but the Holy Spirit prays through you most accurately

Thirdly, keeps your focus on God. Don’t trust in the arms of flesh, because the arm of flesh will certainly fail. God will definitely use people to meet your needs and get you to the desired destination but always know that they are not your source, God is your source.

Note further, that the darkest period of the night is toward the breaking of the day. It cannot be worse than this. You are at the breaking of your day. Don’t give in now, you are very close to your breaking through. See you next week SHALOM.