Meeting Venue: Royal Canadian Legion. 14339 50th Street, NW Edmonton, AB.

Crisis can be defined as a turning point; a difficulties or danger. Though we are in the world however we are not of the world. As long as we are in the world, then crisis is bound to come our way whether we are believers or not; this is because crisis is packaged within the world we live in. God being aware of this fact said in His word “many are
the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him from them all. That is to say afflictions which may take the form of crisis are many that will come but the Lord has promised to deliver the righteous from them all without leaving one out of the many.

Further to this fact is that crisis is also designed by God to take us to the place of destiny. They are designed by God to act as stepping stones to the place of fulfillment and not to swallow us up on the road destiny. Hence it is never a surprise to God when we enter into it. Infact, any one who is actually doing anything worthwhile or tangible in the kingdom of God must expect crisis occasionally.

1 Peter 4:12-13 reads “Beloved think it not strange concerning the fiery trail which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you; but rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings; that when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy”.

In the time of crisis as a child of God please note these points as a guide to you; you must always note that crisis when handled properly makes you stronger at the end of the whole episode because it attracts the power and strength of God to you.

2 Cor. 12:9 reads “My grace is sufficient for thee for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

As said earlier, as long as we live in the world will always a season of crisis in the life of everyone. The season when it comes will not come to stay but will come and pass away. Crisis does not always come all year long but there is always a season of crisis but it now depends on the attitude of the person going through the crisis. Beloved always note that it is a season that will always come to pass however, when that season come be sure to take on the strength of God to see you through. It has not come to stay but it will only come to pass.

When the season of crisis ends, there is always a reward if you go through it with the right attitude and you coming out victorious. There is the joy of  victory and great excitement. People who thought you will not come out of it victoriously will come to respect you the more. At such time you will be able to know who your true friends are and you would be able to know the sycophants who are just around you to take up bread and benefits they can get from you. Beloved you can be sure that promotion is at the end of the journey.

Please note beloved that during the time of crisis you are not to discuss the problems inherent in the crisis with people who cannot solve the problem of the crisis. Keep on with it because it shall come to pass. Opening your mouth to discuss the crisis with someone who cannot solve it is a waste of time.

The only person permitted to discuss with, is someone who can solve it or stand in the gap for you in the place of prayers. Once you discuss with people who does not fit into the two positions, such a crisis multiplies itself because wise counsel cannot come from such people. Always note that you learn more in the time of crisis than in any victory. All you will earn in the time of crisis cannot be compared in most cases to what you would have learnt over ten years of no crisis.

Heb 6:8 reads “though he was a son, yet learned obedience by the things which he suffered.

You not only learn considerably with the right attitude, since you have no other place to run to but to God, you will eventually experience the love of God especially when you have been rejected most times by your own brothers either by blood or covenant, you will really know the love of God and experience His supernatural power in your life for when I am weak, then I am strong 2 Cor 12:10. Finally beloved don’t see the crisis you are passing through alone, but see beyond the crisis because it has a role to play in your fulfillment of destiny. Shalom!