Meeting Venue: Royal Canadian Legion. 14339 50th Street, NW Edmonton, AB.

A young man was put before a judge for murder as there were enough evidences against him for the offence. It was quite obvious he was guilty of the offence. The man was to be sentenced either to life imprisonment or death by hanging when Mercy came into the court premise and requested that the man be set free. The Judge asked why such a man be set free. Then Mercy spoke out that since the man had called upon Him and was sincerely sorry for what he did there was no choice than to request for his fredom.

Not only was he to be set free but that he be given something to do for a living after he was discharged so that he can be rehabilitated. This also was found to be very difficult to believe but the judge had no choice than to set him free because Mercy had prevailed upon Him.

Beloved are you down cast and guilty for whatever sin you may have committed? Then, please reach out for the mercies of God for He cannot deny Himself. Mercy simply means forgiveness or kindness particularly for a wrong doing. God is the judge in the picture painted while Jesus Christ is Mercy personified. The scripture tells us that He is rich in mercy. While we were yet sinners, mercy called out of love was what made Jesus forgive us and also give us an inheritance. Mercy gives to you what you do not merit. As long as you are sincerely sorry; confessing whatever wrong you do and not willing to go back to it again.

Ezra 3:11a reads “And they sang responsively, praising and giving thanks to the Lord. “For He is good for His mercy endures forever toward Israel. Our God cannot resist the sincere call for mercy because He cannot deny Himself. The platform of mercy is that platform which most believers have not been utilizing but instead, we come with list of good works highlighting the things we have done right forgetting that our righteousness is like a filthy rage before God. That brings to mind two people who came to God in prayers; one of them said, Lord you know I’m not like that
other man who is a sinner and have no reverence for you, but I pray, fast twice a week etc. while the referred man came asking for mercy. Jesus said the man who came seeking for mercy will have his prayers answered. Mercy is powerful; it is that which God cannot resist. Mark 10:47-49 tells of the story of Blind Bartimaeus who cried in the mist of every opposition for the mercy of God, “And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out
and, say, “Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me. Then many warned him to be quiet but he cried out all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me. So Jesus stood  still and commanded him to be called.

Friends, Jesus cannot resist the call for mercy. How do you pray? are you always out to prove your right before God? Then you might be getting it wrong, why don’t you reach out to God on the ground of mercy so that you can have your request granted. Heb 4:16 reads Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. When you come to God on the platform of mercy accessing help in time of need becomes a possibility. Please reach out for the mercies of God today on that pertinent issue in your life.

You are who you are by the grace of God. Your getting married and having children is by the mercies of God. Your getting that job is by the mercies of God not because you are outstanding. Do you need a particular breakthrough in your life? Then call upon the mercies of God and stop asking, why me? If not you then you expect it to be somebody else. Please be like blind Bartimaeus who was not ready to prove any point or  come up with reasons why Jesus must make him see again but he simply called upon the mercy of God.

Mercy delivers to you what you do not deserve; mercy vindicates you and gives you an inheritance that you are not qualified to have. Please stop making excuses and reach out for the mercies of God; for He is rich in mercy. His mercies endure forever. He cannot close His ears or shut His eyes to the cry for mercy. He cannot deny Himself. Please reach out for His mercy. The man at the pool of Bethesda was still giving list of reasons why he has not been healed from his infirmity but mercy reached out to him and straight away he was delivered by the mercies of God. Please read John 5:1-11. Today and in this entire year, you will receive the mercies of God in Jesus name.

All you need is to call out for the mercies of God and stop making excuses on why God must answer you. Call upon His mercy. Shalom.